Welcome to Seaborne's Blog And Art Archive! [WIP]


Heya, I am Seaborne! I don't really know how to write a strong introduction, so ill just give ya the short version for now

I am 18 My pronouns are primarily She/Her and They/Them. I am a furry aswell. My sona's name is Sea, she is a blue protogen, you can find the art of I have of her in one of the links in the header.

My intrests are console modding, and video games (obviously), I play a shit load of minecraft and other source engine games. I am taken by Fluff aswell! I also make MC skins as a side hobby, I am not very good yet, but im learning. I hope to learn how to do art one day aswell.

Yeah, I used a base for this website, I dont know how to code yet

I will update this peridically, a major rewrite is needed